Saturday, June 21, 2008

Busy Week

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, this week has been busy with work. I swear I look so tired. Work has been stressing me out and when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom several times - it is hard to get back to sleep. I had to be at work at 7am yesterday and worked until 7pm the previous night.

All is well. No u/s this week, so there is worry there. But I constantly tell myself that no signs are good signs too. I don't have m/s at all and my nausea is mainly gone. I do have food adversions. I have an u/s early next week with my high risk peri and the following week with my obgyn.

Taking it easy, I only go up the stairs once a day and down once a day. My bedroom is upstairs. I've been doing that since about 5 weeks. It takes some planning to make sure I have everything from upstairs, so I don't have to make multiple trips. I want to ensure my cervix is not funneling like it was last time at 13 weeks. When I had that I had done a lot of walking right around 12/13 weeks, so that is why I can't really walk for long periods of time. It's hard being high risk, but worth it to take it easy. I feel like my arms and legs are already flabby as I haven't run or walked in awhile.

I'm praying my rosary every night, which doesn't take that long and it provides me some peace and time to unwind. I'm doing a 57 day novena. I got the idea for a person on the SAIF (success after infertility) forum.

We have some people to spend time w/this weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

Glad you're taking it easy. Hope you have a good weekend too.